Monday, November 29, 2010

The Art of Hap Hadley

Amazing! I have sheet music with art done by "Hap" Hadley!

Archive # 101

I amazed because I was under the impression that he primarily did artwork for old silent movies. Unfortunately, that's about all I know about him. I should say, however, that doing a google image search of him will give you a pretty good idea of what he's done.

At first, I was surprised by the lack of color. But, after some thought, I realized that all sheet music is pretty lacking in the color department. Color, attracted the consumer, for sure, but it was also pretty expensive, therefore, you wanted your lithography to have as few layers as possible but still entice the potential buyer.

In any case, I'm incredibly pleased with the find, and I'm in love with the artistic styling of the cover.

On an only semi-related note, the publisher, Harms Incorporated, comes up in my archive only once, with a black and white Spanish piece called "Jalousie". I assume that it wasn't a big name publisher, so I wonder how it got Mr. Hadley. Also, as most publishers have gone, Harms is now apart of Alfred. It's amazing how many companies that place has absorbed.

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